Bulk SMS Marketing Software Usage

SMS Marketing Software Usage Growth Facts

SMS marketing is a huge growth opportunity area for companies of all sizes, and it's not difficult to understand the reason. It's cheap (text only costs a few cents, especially when purchased in bulk) and it's easy to track return on investment.

But most SMS marketing is direct and personal. Think of it this way: if you send a marketing e-mail to your customers, that's probably just one of the dozens they will get that day. Some of them tend to open your email, which means you have to send it to thousands of potential customers to make this exercise useful.

Not so with SMS. Most people receive relatively few text messages from companies (we will investigate why one day) and it is very difficult to ignore texts when they arrive.


If you send 10,000 emails in a marketing campaign, only a few hundred will likely be read - even if you have brilliant titles, good copies, and bold offers. However, if you send an SMS to 10,000 people, you can be sure that almost all of your recipients will read your message. If your SMS marketing conversion rate is close to your email conversion rate, that means 10 or 20 times more business

Are you interested? Before you start collecting mobile customer numbers for SMS Software, there are three basic things to consider: a lot of, the right technology and, especially, your customer's trust.

A matter of trust

There is a reason why most people don't get marketing texts as much as they get email marketing. They see their phone number as more personal and valuable than their email address, so they are more careful with whom they trust their phone number than their email address.

The topic of trust is the big advantage that lies at the heart of SMS marketing. Because people are reluctant to give their numbers, few companies have these numbers and fewer marketing texts are sent than marketing emails. The result is that customers may not be bored with marketing texts as is the case with email marketing.

But trust is also the biggest obstacle that you must overcome as a future SMS marketer. How do you convince customers and potential customers to send their mobile numbers?

Consumers differ in their interests and activities. Even though messaging while traveling is a great opportunity for marketers, this can be a useless exercise if cell phone ads don't find the right settings.

Marketers need to understand how sensitive consumers are to certain types of messages at different times of the day.

In the past, advertisers have tried to understand acceptance as a reverse exercise: placing ads and seeing how they work. At present, more and more triggered data is used to predict vulnerabilities before ads run. But there is another way - ask consumers directly. We at Aki Technologies do this with our latest mobile ad survey.

We conducted an online survey of 1,000 respondents, grouped by age group and reflecting the US population. Our aim is to find out whether consumers themselves recognize fluctuations in ad acceptance that we measure in ad campaigns and, if so, how we can assess our own acceptance at this time.

How close are we?

We started the survey by asking about using a mobile device. Not surprisingly, users spend a lot of time on mobile devices: almost half (44.8%) of respondents spend five or more hours on one device.
